Contributing to RoCoAdapt
Instructions for contributions
Regular Contributions
We accept short papers (2 pages + references) and regular papers (6 pages + references) for the workshop. All contributions will be reviewed and accepted papers will be offered an oral or poster presentation.
LBRs, position papers and abstracts
We are still open for late breaking reports or position papers, covering work in progress. In addition, we encourage projects, e.g., funded under the Horizon Europe program, to be represented at the workshop to display their approach, contribute to the discussion and connect. For this it is possible to submit abstracts via the EasyChair submission system and to prepare a poster which will be introduced with a teaser talk. These contributions will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
All contributions must use the IEEE template available here
Authors will retain the copyright of their work. Accepted contributions will be featured on this website to facilitate discussions and interaction amongst workshop participants but will not be published. Authors of accepted contributions will be invited to a special issue at the Paladyn Journal of Robotics, Intelligent Agents, and Artificial Intelligence.
Proposed contribution must be submitted via EasyChair
Important dates
Deadline for regular submission: 02.04.2024
Notification of acceptance: 12.04.2024
Deadline for LBR / position papers / posters: 22.04.2024
Final version of paper: 10.05.2024
Date of workshop: 13.05.2024