Dynamic Duos: Human-Robot Co-Worker Adaptation in Manufacturing

An ICRA 2024 workshop - May 13 - Yokohama, Japan


Today’s collaborative robots primarily coexist with their human coworkers rather than interactively collaborating on tasks with mutual dependencies. This implies a huge yet untapped potential for applications of collaborative robots. Actual collaboration provides the opportunity to increase productivity and to reduce mental and physical workload for human workers. At the same time, such collaborations come with challenges such as the need for mutual adaptation. Robots need to be enabled to adapt to the characteristics and states of the human while the human operator is required to learn to effectively collaborate with an adaptive robot. 

The RoCoAdapt workshop will facilitate interdisciplinary research on human-aware robotics in the context of manufacturing or similar domains. The full-day workshop will bring together researchers focusing on industrial scenarios, human-robot interaction, organizational psychology, and related fields in AI. We will focus on the technological capabilities and challenges for human-robot collaboration beyond sharing work spaces. 

At the workshop, recent progress in human-aware robotics will be discussed. Selected keynote speakers will address the topic from different perspectives and facilitate a joint discussion inspiring and triggering new interdisciplinary research collaborations. Selected contributions will be invited for a special issue at an established journal to increase the outreach of the workshop.


The list of topics is not exhaustive and contributions addressing other topics that are still in line with the overall aim of the workshop will also be considered.  Instructions for contributions can be found here

Keynote Speakers

Johanna Seibt
School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University

Presentation title:

Forms of Co-Working with Robots 

Dimitris Chrysostomou 

Department of Materials and Production, Aalborg University

Presentation title:

Lessons learned from implementing human-robot collaborations in industrial environments 

Bernd Kiefer
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

Presentation title:
Effective and Secure Interactions with Cobots

Rune Søe-Knudsen
Universal Robots

Presentation title:
Robot adoption challenges

Special Issue

After completing the workshop a special issue will be organized in Paladyn Journal of Robotics, Intelligent Agents, and Artificial Intelligence.

Tentative Schedule

Marco Faroni, Christian Cella, Andrea M. Zanchettin, and Paolo Rocco:
Safety-aware decision making for collaborative robotics: An integrated approach

Emilia Pietras et al.
Toward Adaptive Robot Behavior for Interdependent Human-Robot Teams

Raquel Salcedo Gil, Anna-Sophie Ulfert-Blank, Pascale Le Blanc, Sonja Rispens
Are you ready to work with robots? A human-centered training intervention for increasing robot use self-efficacy and attitudes toward robot

Merve Alabak
Deviant work behaviors in human-robot collaboration

RoCoAdapt Organizers

Leon Bodenhagen
SDU Robotics, Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Anna-Sophie Ulfert-Blank

Human Performance Management Group, Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands

Katsumi Watanabe

School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan